Friday, May 9, 2014


Introduced the kiddos to a new app today and they were mesmerized! Many of them began to understand how control and subtle movements had a big effect that they could add on to with another controlled movement. Others just went for it and made repetitive swooping motions . . . which were quite interesting as well. Next week they'll use them to learn how to email an attachment to themselves and then open it up on a PC and print it from there. That will be their first time using their own school email!!
Not sure which one belongs to who. Ask your child as they will know for sure.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How much longer 'til they're frogs?

It doesn't matter how many times I tell the children that it takes several months for the complete metamorphosis of a frog, they still ask. Perhaps that's because they change so much from day to day. They enter the classroom each day and make a bee line to the tank . . . are they frogs yet?
Not only are we learning loads about these amazing amphibians, we are also working on many multi-step projects that really encourage listening skills, creativity, writing, reading, art, and patience. Our fabulous frog folders are beginning to burst with froggy favorites.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Another Metamorphosis

We have frog spawn and tadpoles in the classroom! The changes in these little creatures happen so fast. Each day brings something new and different. The children are glued to the two tanks marveling over our tiny "class pets" and watching them metamorphosize right before their eyes. Stay tuned for more froggy excitement throughout the month of May!
This frog spawn is different than the rest. The eggs are in rows rather than clumps. We are wondering what kind of frogs these may turn into. More research is necessary!

Our spring peepers have turned into tadpoles. Can you see their gills? We can!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Structural Engineering

Never underestimate the power of suggestion and modeling to motivate children. We started by creating traps to catch a leprechaun, no such luck I'm afraid, and that has evolved into the creation of zoos, ranches, garages, and houses for our multicultural doll people. When asked they have a reason for every block and accessory placed on their structures. The conversations that take place while they are building are filled with decision making, compromise, problem solving, and strategy. I wish I had video to share with you!

Monday, March 24, 2014


We were invited to serve as an audience for Ali Schwartz' 1st and 2nd graders who had completed a writing unit of study. The children had written fiction stories with an emphasis on how an author gets their point across with an emphasis on word choice. Wow! My children were super listeners and as each 1st or 2nd grader finished reading their story they were then peppered with several questions and comments about their work! I was thrilled that all their questions pertained to the piece and many were very specific to a particular part of the story that they wanted more information. Yeah!!!

We are currently working on how-to books. Everyone began by choosing their favorite sandwich, making their sandwich out of playdough, and then explaining to a group just how they created their sandwich. The children began writing the steps involved in making their sandwich. When all the steps were finished (using the transition words first, next, then and finally) they wrote an introduction and final words. When all that was complete they created a table of contents labeled; Things You Need and finished off with a cover page. Whew! As they begin their second how-to books (a topic of their own choosing) they are easily maneuvering through all the pages and a couple of prolific writers are on their 3rd how-to books.

It's such a thrill to watch them grow as writers!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Gingerbread Girl

Here it is . . . the long awaited trailer for our fantastic production of The Gingerbread Girl! This short video features our opening song and each of the children strutting their stuff. They are all singing their hearts out and look so darn cute! I've lost track of how many times I've watched it!! ENJOY!!

The Gingerbread Girl

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Our weekly science experiments for the next several weeks will pertain to liquids and solids. The children had a great time playing around with many different liquids of varying viscosities and colors. They observed them moving, spinning, rolling, and after having been shaken. Yes, there was a whole lot of shakin' going on that afternoon! We made lists of the different properties and worked hard to come up with describing words.